If you know me, you probably know that I like taking photos of people doing whatever they’re passionate about. Or maybe shooting with them in an environment that brings out an important part of their personality. But some people are too damn artsy to be linked to a single idea…

Catalina and I have been planning to do a shoot for a long while, but I could never settle on a concept. In the middle of this brainstorming the idea of a white dress came up. At the same time, it just happened that I managed to get access to the top of a tall, communist-era block of flats in downtown Bucharest, so the rest came quite naturally.

I’ve met only a handful of people who can be so expressive with their whole body (i.e. not only with their face), and I think the idea of the white dress flowing in the spring wind was perfect for showcasing Catalina’s former ballerina skills.

This is not THE shoot that we’ve been planning but it was a fun way to create something together while still planning our concept. I used a manual ultrawide lens; she was walking barefoot on cold concrete. On a windy day in March. The shots are kinda over-edited for my usual taste. That being said, I wouldn’t change a thing. Because as they say, dance like nobody’s watching…

See some alternative pictures in my Gallery post.

© Tiberiu Rahau, 2019