It doesn’t happen often that I get invited as an attendee at social events; don’t get me wrong, I get invited all the time, but usually as a photographer. So it rarely happens to me to get a goodie bag when I leave the event.

This was one of those times when I actually enjoyed a product both visually as well as for what it’s supposed to do. So much so that I decided to take a couple of shots to portray it in a rugged fashion but with a touch of modern luxury. So here’s my vision for a product placement / one page magazine ad, which I eventually posted on my instastory and insta feed.

Disclaimer: this post is unaffiliated in any way with Noberu of Sweden, the producer of the depicted products; there is no commercial relationship between us, nor of any other nature save from the fact that they were happy to share my photo on their instagram account and here.

Cover photo shot with Lensbaby.

© Tiberiu Rahau, 2020